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Course Description

The aim of the course taking place in the context of the project “TRANSIt: TraIning teachers in competence based education” is to have a positive impact on the development of students’ transversal competences, creativity, collaboration, and effective communication skills by promoting the use of real world authentic learning activities by immersing participating teachers in the process of resource based approaches via their interaction with a unique collection of open educational resources (OER). Throughout the duration of the course teachers will be handled in three different modes:

a) as learners participating in authentic learning activities;
b) as teachers implementing and assessing competence based/holistic approaches in their classes; and
c) as researchers collecting, examining and interpreting data about their practice and their students’ learning.

Participants will be provided with strategies that promote competence acquisition and student-centered learning, which they will be given the opportunity to modify accordingly. Participants will have the opportunity to be exposed to a number of training techniques such as: lectures, discussion, project teams, brainstorming, role playing, and case studies enabling them to collaborate and learn from each other. Additionally, visits both physical and virtual (3D) and field work in the monuments/museums, such as Knossos Palace, the Heraklion Archaeological Museum, and the Museum of Visual Art of Heraklion will introduce participants to innovative ways for creating links between schools, heritage providers, and informal learning settings. Participants will be introduced to the use of PDAs for enhancing the learning experience in museums, and of social tagging techniques for describing educational resources. Teachers will also participate in hands-on sessions, such as with technology enhanced manipulatives that promote competences & reflect on how these could be assessed.
