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Course Description

The Summer School is a course centred on the development of an important ability both for sciences and everyday life: geospatial thinking. Geospatial thinking has lately been acknowledged as a key ability for the STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) as well as social sciences and humanities. It actually constitutes a very important and new approach to learning (learn-to learn), differing from more established learning approaches. The course is addressed to teachers across all subject areas who are interested in developing their own as well as their students’ geospatial thinking skills.
The aim of the course is twofold: firstly, to acquaint the participants with this important form of thinking and secondly, to support them in applying innovative teaching methods for enhancing their students’ geospatial thinking skills with the use of information technologies. Participants will make use of an open, collaborative educational environment and a acheter cialis collection of open educational resources and tools in order to develop educational scenarios across different subject areas that will expand the limitations of classroom instruction.
The course will include lectures, group-work, training on the educational platform, and activities of playful learning supporting critical thinking and understanding of scientific concepts.
GEOTHNK Summer School is a certified course by EC’s Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and it is officially registered on EC’s School Education Gateway Course Catalogue

